New Homes Bonus tool a canny calculation

A bonus for the neighbours

The consultation on the Government’s flagship New Homes Bonus is one of a growing number of documents that colleagues are currently familiarising themselves with.

The argument for it is compelling: something is needed to create a powerful, straightforward incentive which rewards local authorities who deliver new housing. This would be done by providing funding, to be ring-fenced for the local community which accepts new housing, over a six-year period. It is an enticement to local communities to welcome development, rather than oppose it.

This is in keeping with the spirit of the Government’s localism agenda, which aims to put communities in control of the services delivered in their area.

But how much is it likely to be worth? The Department for Communities and Local Government has published a calculator which could answer this question, by giving people an idea of the possible impact of this proposal in their local areas. The Home Builders Federation has done similar (although only members can access this).

Sure, it’s a ‘best guess’ as it is based on a number of assumptions. But I’ve found it interesting to look at how it could relate to the areas where I work in the South West. I am sure partners will take interest too.